Trail Maintenance


Our club maintains 58.6 miles of the Appalachian Trail from Bly Gap at the Georgia/North Carolina border to Nantahala Outdoor Center on the Nantahala River at Wesser, NC.  We also maintain more than 40 miles of Blue Blaze Trails throughout the Nantahala National Forest.

Maintainers keep the trails in good shape by removing fallen trees, building steps and side cribbing, clearing excessive vegetation, and creating water bars and other trail features.  Shelters, privies, bear boxes, and signs are also maintained.

Volunteers at least 18 years of age are invited to meet each Wednesday at 8:45 AM at the Clubhouse at 173 Carl Slagle Road and carpool to the selected work site.  Tools and instruction are provided – no experience is necessary.  Volunteering with this group is a great way to experience the trail, learn new skills, and work with a great group of enthusiastic people while making a positive difference for hikers. 

If you are interested in volunteering as a trail maintainer, please contact our Trail Manager at, or use our volunteer contact form.